Welcome Sunday evening. The weather was beautiful today. SO warm and sunny. I talked to a neighbor outside and played with her dog. I actually might call it an early night. I have to have my car at direct tire in the morning by 7:30…not a fun game. Gotta get the snow tires off and back in the apartment so we can have our corner end table again :). Amazing what cardboard and a sheet can do .

Church this morning was good, and afterwards I ordered 8 bucks worth of food from Taco Bell :). A girl has got to eat ya’ know. I’ve been cleaning and packing all day long. It’s actually been a fun day with a lot of fun events, but I don’t feel like writing about them. In the last 20 minutes I got very sad. I was fine earlier, fine and happy. I suppose its because its getting nighttime. Funny thing though, I realized tonight that amidst all my packing, I’d forgotten to pack socks. I’m glad I remembered!

Things I did for the last time for a while today:
1. cleaned my apartment
2. paid to wash my clothes
3. went to CTK
4. drove around semi-downtown Boston
5. ran errands in Danvers
6. vaccuumed in my undergarments (can’t do that at home- got the little bro)-
7. drank wine on a Sunday afternoon (can’t do that in ga- mama doesn’t agree with it)-

This week has been a week of last time doing things. Man, I should have updated earlier when I was seriously on top of the world. Oh, funny story. So Tony, one of my teammates from Tibet, told me today that his family is in love with me and wants Tony to ask me to marry him. Craziness. I’m pretty sure Tony definitely has a girlfriend, and his family doesn’t even really know anything about me other than what Tony has told them. Insane in the membrane. Not to mention, Tony is only 3 months older than my brother. That’s just wrong my friends. Not that I’ve been age-specific recently.

I’m gonna miss Beverly, South Hamilton, Danvers, REVERE, Cambridge, Boston, everywhere I live up here, this summer while I’m home. It’s bittersweet leaving, especially since the past week has been so fun. But, I am praying that this time at home will really heal me a lot from a number of things and provide me with a lot of new perspective. Wow- the past year, since June 2005, has been a strange one. I mean just one thing after another that I would not have expected. I can’t decide if I hope that keeps up or not. I mean, I do, but a lot of it has been so hard that I’m just ready for smooth sailing. But is smooth sailing all that good if it means boring sailing? I like the adventure- the events- the heart rushes- but not the heart breaks and goodness knows I can barely count on one hand the number of “breaks” that have occured in my past year of life. I did want passion though, something new and exciting and challenging, a year ago at this time, and by golly I’ve had that.

Well, I’m excited about my classes next semester. It’s gonna be a lot a lot a lot of work, but I have two Tennent courses, and I love Dr. Tennent. (He’s been gone all semester). I’m not excited about Dr. Lee, but I’m seriousy excited about taking greek again. I loved Greek in college; it was my favorite course. I can’t wait for that. Who knows what September will bring, but I’m not by any means just looking forward to it. I’m ready for a summer of new things too- things I can’t imagine or expect. Well, I can imagine Hong Kong, but I’m sure it will be full of surprises too. I’ll begin with my 16 hour road trip, and I hope much of it is consumed with prayer. I need to spend time listening to God. I hope Abraham doesn’t meow so much I can’t pray :). (if you want to see my mapped out iten, go to mapquest and type in directions from Beverly, MA to Augusta, GA- fastest time).

Well, Dannae’s renting a movie. I’m gonna drink some more of the wine Jill bought us from Chile and then go to bed rather early. 7:30 comes early, and tomorrow seems like it might be a busy (but good busy) day. A lot of things to do and people to see. Thanks for this semester GCTS…it was…. well… I can’t really think of words to capture the extremity of it.

Over and out

Post much Food

So tonight gets its own entry. I went to campus to meet Derek for Taco Bell, and Kristin and Steve tagged along for a short break from exefreaking Jesus. I think I ate at at least half the restaurants in the food court, and K, D, and S took the rest. I haven’t consumed that much food since…yesterday! :). It was great. Especially the part where this conversation was had while ordering at Taco Bell…RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE PEOPLE WHO WORK THERE…

Derek: Maybe I’ll get a job at Taco Bell when I get back to Chicago.
Steve: NO!
Derek: Why not?
Steve: Because then you’d be working at Taco Bell…(brief pause) DANGIT!!!!!! (much laughter and shameful blushing)

Yeah those two are a trip. After raiding the food court, we headed back to campus, but not before Derek and Steve played the which would you rather have game…which included which would you rather have in heaven: A) sex for life (B) taco Bell… Derek’s response was….YES. My choices were A) sex for life (B) shoes… My answer was… shoes :). I think Kristin’s was too !

We dropped K and S at the library with a big roll of Toilet Paper so they could finish their slavedriving exegesis for Ciampa. Then Derek and I watched Anchorman. Ok, so I’ve listened to people quote that movie for years now and thought “I should some day see it.” Well, I suppose it was a “quotable” movie, kinda like Napoleon Dynamite, but not the best movie. I don’t think I would have enjoyed it except I was thinking the whole time of every time I had heard each line quoted. I used to have one friend who apparently quoted it in his every day conversational speech. I didn’t realize till tonight, which made the movie a little bittersweet to watch. I think I even understand this person even more now, but we don’t really talk anymore.

After the movie, I got to dive into theological conversations of infant baptism and the evangelicalism of finding one’s “call”… sola scriptura, and getting married. It was good though. I love talking to people who are also logical. It gives me confidence that maybe God is leading me through my logic without the lightening bolt experiences of so many charismatics these days. Too bad Derek is ditching us for Chicago. I mean come on! Just move Angie out here and crusade Boston! Duh.

I had to turn down an invite to Wildhorse for nachos and beer. Firstly, I don’t drink beer; secondly, I’m so freaking stuffed still from eating the mall tonight…literally. So, I’m back home. I can’t sleep in my bed though because it is piled with my suitcases and stuff I’m packing for home. I’ll opt for the couch. Sorry Dannae; hope it doesn’t bother you. I saw like 4 white explorers tonight and almost cried each time because I miss Meredith. You never appreciate what you have till its gone. Then, I saw a little gray station wagon and thought of my Jenn. If that wagon had been hitting a pedestrian, I would have broke down in tears. I love you Jenn and Mer. Please come back.

So it seems a lot of people are experiencing loss right now in more ways than one. I kinda wish I weren’t going home, but the people I’ve been hanging out with so much recently won’t even be here this summer, so maybe home is good. I still am thinking I might need to come back and work at the mission some in late May early June.

My heart still feels so deeply. Getting out of here will make it easier. Outa sight outa mind ya’ know. I suppose that’s just the way it goes sometimes. You get involved and it doesn’t work out, and then you have to go through the process of uninvolving yourself. It’s hard not to take it as a reflection of myself, however, and it’s hard to see past what seems so right. I’m looking toward that tunnel light though Whitneywhore. One day, we’ll stand on that other side together.

Well, I guess I’m gonna hit the fouton now. I hope you are enjoying my updates because Titus saw a book in the Family Christian store (aka Charismatic Evangelicals Central) that said the Lord is coming back on June 6, 2006 because that date is 6/6/6. Hmm… I won’t be able to update after that. Oh the joy of those dispensational premilliniests. Don’t worry. If it does occur, you’ll either be in heaven or hell, and you won’t get to use xanga anyway. But FYI, I don’t think it’s going to occur. 🙂

Goodnight! Sleep tight! Big day tomorrow- I suppose. I need some churchin. I pray that Rick preaches it well. Sometimes it is like he is preaching specifically to me, my situation, my heart. I pray tomorrow I really hear God’s word and can see how to apply it to my life…and my “call.” hee hee

Love love my friends-

My last Saturday day here for a while

Well happy Saturday to you. I’m singing along to the radio right now probably annoying the chagrin outa Dannae ;). Yes, I used chagrin that way…completely not right. Anywhoo-

I got up this morning NOT to my alarm because I don’t have school anymore except via internet. I tried to go get my tires changed out, but the place was all filled up, and they don’t have any other appointments till late next week, so I’m gonna have to leave my car there at their disposal on Monday and pray they can get it in or else I’m headed to GA with snow tires that will rott in that heat.

So instead, I got dressed and began to clean/pack. I think I’m gonna be able to fit everything in the car without a problem. We will see when I actually start putting it in the car. I just filled a clothes basket with shoes. Yay. I’m surprised all the ones I wanted to take fit in there. It’s because I’m not taking home my boots since its hot as hades in Georgia :). I must make sure I can still fit Abraham in my car, however, so I can’t take that much .

Tonight I’m going to Taco Bell with Derek. I’m excited, but not that hungry strangely enough. I need to get the hunger on so I can feed at the Bell. I was dressed so cute earlier today, but I got tired of it and now I’m just in black and jeans. I might wear some colorful shoes for spice though. Dannae’s working at Hiedi’s again, so I don’t know what I’ll do after taco bell.

In annoying as heck news, Davis posted our grades ALL FREAKING READY. I don’t know what I got on the exam. I’m sure it was an A, but it might have been low because I only got a B+ in the class. I’m so pissed; there goes my 4.0. I know grades dont really matter that much in the long run, but I’m prbbly going to get my PhD, so I’d like to have good ones. I’m just mad because I deserved an A in that class and did the work. I’m sure the true false cost me points on the exam, but he won’t hand that part back so I won’t find out. And, the t/f was supposed to see if I read the books, and I did. I read each once twice dangit. Uhhh the questions were just really screwy. Anyway- enough about that. There is nothing I can do with it. I am dissapointed though. So much hard work last semester and this semester only to have a perfect gpa ruined.

Ok that’s all for now. I’ll talk to you later. I had to turn on the AC today. It’s gettin hot in Boston…just when I leave. Great.


My Post is Yellow like WGC’s

In the libary. Countdown till Theology Exam T minus 1.5 hours. AHHHHH. I’m studying for 40 more minutes and then I’m hitting lunch because I can’t take this, and I’ll need a break before my big showdown with Dr. Wells :).

Last night was a long night. I didn’t fall asleep till around 1 a.m. even though I got in the bed at about 10:30. I ended up crying myself toA sleep starting around midnight, and it was super hot in my room so I turned on the AC unit. Don’t yell Dannae; I pay 70%.

Last night I prayed for peace beyond belief lest I do something I might regret. This morning I woke up not sad for the first time in a month. I always wake up sad. Anyway, I even tried to reflect and think about stuff that would make me sad to see if it was a fluke, but I felt ok. Now I’m a little less content now, but I know that God was answering me with a peace this morning. My bible study even addressed it. It asked me, are you willing to abandon 100% to God? To give up saying “Well what about this?” They life will I give thee for a prize, says God in Jeremiah. Give up and seek His face. Thy life you will find. Getting through abondonment will bring me to be the most delighted person.

BTW- Logan is really strange. I wont even tell you the conversation i had with him this morning. Random

Ok, pray for me. Exam, feelings, heart, EVERYTHING…


THE EXAM IS DONE: I’m finished. I am sure I passed. I may have even pulled of a B, but it was a pass fail class. OH, and btw…the exam was insane. It was the most specific thing in the world. No general essays at all. Whatev- it’s over.

After class we said goodbye to Meredith. It was tearful, and I’m not gonna lie. It sucked. I love that girl. I’m losing three friends this week. Well, two I’ll still talk to but not see. Still, there should be a limit to how much change a girl can endure during a week. That’s not coo-

Tonight I’m going to dinner at Alchemy in Gloucester with Jenn and Jill. I’ll be the odd girl out with the whole “M” thing going on. I love that our small group was two J’s and two M’s and then odd Dannae, well she is kinda Jenny.

I wrote a sweet little ditto today, but I don’t think I should post it since it has a “name” in it. Hmmm

Today we had the discussion at lunch about taco bell. Yankees always stress “ta” and Southerner’s stress “bell.” I told Derek I wouldn’t eat there unless he could call it by its correct name. Taco BELL not TAco bell.

All that’s left is my semlink due in June. I’m gonna switch out my tires and pack the next few days. I head out on Tuesday morning.

Quote of the day from Days: “well remember the time you kidnapped from the church so I wouldn’t marry Larry.” and “Yes, I remember what happened the last time I drank. I shot you and we ended up stranded on a mountain in the freezing cold.” That is wonderful.

I know this is right, and all that’s left is for my heart to heal. Time will work it out. Sometimes I wish I didn’t feel it so, but at least it keeps me real. My little pink world has gone all blue, but I have fallen for the blue.

Ok- that’s all for now. Talk to ya’ lata gata’s… if youre in Btown and wanna hang, lemme know. I’m DONE!!!!!!!

love, m

p.s. im not reading anything……BECAUSE IM DONE

Lovely and Good Thursday of Reflection, Prayer, and Study

Hmm I googled my name, and my xanga shows up. My dad googles me quite frequently; this could be a problem. Hmmm

Today I had my last appointment with my therapist until I come back here in August. It was really great. We went over my goals that I wrote when I started seeing her in October, and it was wonderful to see that although I haven’t “accomplished” them, I’ve made such improvement. All the things that I wanted to learn, I have seriously been brought by God through much of it. I can see the Holy Spirit and how He’s revealed to me much about myself. It truly has been an axial time in my life. I’ve been able to reflect upon myself clearly, and sort of clear the board to realize where to go from here. I find myself right now on the opposite side of a storm that has broken me. The only place I have to go is forward in Christ. I’m driven by a promise of peace He’s given me. I’m guided by my logic without the flashes of lightening, but I can sense His Spirit and know that He’s got a will for me. I humbly seek His face and know now it is truly all I need. I’m eager for the future, but not enough to make me forsake the days that God gives me here in this specific time and place. I see His plan unfolds in every moment and breath I take, and these decisions that face me are kinda mine but His to make.

I’ve been studying theology since I got back. I’m a little worried, but not much. It can’t be that hard to simply pass, which is all I have to do in this class since it’s pass/fail. I’m taking a break in a minute (or now I suppose). Dannae and I ordere pizza, onion rings, and mozzarella sticks from this place in Danvers. It’s a first try; we’ll compare it to the Tucci’s. 🙂

I think tomorrow night I’m going to go downtown to CTK’s small group meeting of grad students. I haven’t been all semester for one reason or another but have wanted to go. I will be totally done tomorrow night except for packing to go home. Once home, I’ll finish my semlink course, but it isn’t due till June 16th and I’m halfway finished all ready. I’m good on that I think.

Ok, well if you are interested in heading into town tomorrow for prayer, bible study from Melissa (who is amazing) and some fellowship at a Btown pub, let me know. I got a Mercedes heading down there around 5:30 :). I can fit some peeps!

Have a great day. I love you Lord, and I lift my voice once again, to worship You.

I hate the book I’m reading

UPDATE FROM FOLLY HILL: I just studied for an hour. I just prayed for Dannae. She’s taking her Greek exam right stinking now! (9 a.m.). I should study more. Matt Carvin said I just got a B for the time I’m losing typing online. Oh well. Please pray for Dannae’s exam, if you read this in time, and for mine at 1. I’m actually not as concerned with remembering what I have studied as I am with not losing my focus due to the company of that class. I know. I’m a weakling.

I am sorry to WGC and CAW that there names are not mentioned as much as they would like in my posts. I am glad that WGC saw her picture framed in the background of my picture of Abraham. I thought about tagging her in it. haha. I should. :). Cyn, if they had been pictures in my room, you would have been all over the place. !

I do have a lot of friends here, and I’m thankful for them. Sadly, my xanga pal Derek will be leaving us for good next year to live in Chicago and work for crusade again. Traitor. Derek, I’m gonna make David Wells like me more than you and teach me how to be a minister of the Gospel…….and I all ready have one up on you being a paedo-baptizer ! SCORE!!!!!!!

Some of my highlights from last night were sharing crap stories about my brother with Panera. Then I came home and watched American Idol taped with Dannae. I should be a judge. I can’t even listen to them sing for commenting so much.

What day should I leave Boston? I was thinking Tuesday…but I may wait and go to a concert on Wednesday and then leave Thursday morning. I don’t technically have to be home until my Dad’s surprise party on the 6th, but his bday is the 5th. I would get home the night of the 5th if I waited till Thursday morning to leave. Hmm

Ok, I’m gonna go now. I just got a text message from Billy, but I’m thinking I shouldn’t respond. Actually I’m thinking that because Dannae, Mer, Jenn, Jill, Steve, Derek, WGC, CAW, Mom, Dad, Titus….ok you get the drift, would all say “don’t freaking talk to this guy Megin. He’s not good for you in any form or fashion.” I love having friends who care about me so much and help me see past my own emotions. Rationale is good. Pray I can keep it today and that I don’t let it affect my exams or my stinking moods.

Over and out for now……..PRAY FOR MY ETHICS EXAM…….too bad I have to study theology hard core when I’m done. I’d like to go celebrate with a lot of pizza !


UPDATE FROM GREAT ROOM: I just got up here to campus. I couldn’t study at home anymore. I’ve looked through my notes, and I think I’m ready. I’ve got ethical arguments from a CHR perspective about how to legislate morality and argue for capitalism against socialism….uhhuh. Great. Why can’t we just talk about genetic engineering and capital punishment. I decided to just argue for what I know Davis believes. I’m more likely to get a better grade that way, but….I definitely think I could take him. My opinions are better than his, and I don’t just quote texts totally out of context. Anyone from Gordon Conwell reading this will probably think I’m an arrogant prick, but take Davis and you’ll understand.

I just bought Mommy a really pretty pink Mother’s Day present from the bookstore, and I bougth Daddy a Gordon Conwell coffee mug for his birthday. I wanted to buy him a GC polo because he always loved and wore out his Mercer Polos, but all these polos are long sleeved, of course. I mean, it’s Boston people, but Dad won’t need or want a long sleeve polo. And, his bday is next week. He couldn’t wear it for at least a year. Haha it made me laugh though. That was just so Boston- of course. I bought Mama a little bag that has bible verses on it and a cute lady riding a bicycle. Oh, and I’m gonna buy Dad this GC pen. It has black ink, which is good b/c Dad won’t use blue ink at all. Ask me why later. It’s too long of a story.

Ok Mel and Dannae just came over to the table, so I think that’s all I’m gonna do for now. I’ll update after the exam. Please pray for me.

Shout out to Jill for helping me through a strange occurence this morning. I appreciate her wisdom. Such a wise lady. I got to sit on her toilet while she put on makeup she doesn’t need, and we worked our way through the situation :).

Lata alligata’s
m to the cat

POST EXAM 1 UPDATE: I kicked that things tail, minus some bogus true false that Davis pulled out his ass. Ok, last curseword ever, since I’m done with ethics. But, Davis deserves that one. If I guessed right on the T/F, I know I got like a 98 on that exam.

Talked with Billy after class, oh the peace of letting go. I praise you God and know the future is totally in your hands. I feel amazing. I still need prayer; it’s not the “i got what I want” amazing. It’s the God has a plan amazing, and I know that I did what He wanted me to do. Ahhh

Ok, I’m gonna watch Days and vegg a little. Then it’s theology time. Then it’s ANTM (America’s Next Top Model) and AI (American Idol) vote off session time. Hmmm I think it will be Pickler tonight. If they get rid of Christ Daughtry, I will be so pissed. THEN, my peace will be gone. I am so in love with Chris’s voice, and he’s a little hot too. Gotta love the tattoos.

NO MORE ETHICS EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Peace- keep praying.


Good Evening from Panera. I’m here studying with a lot of people….aka not really studying. I tried to put the ear plug in, but it didn’t work. Today has been a rather strange day, but I’ve made it through. I do wish I had studied more than I have. I’ve tried, seriously I have. I got up around 8 and studied ethics for a while very dilligently; then I tried to study Theology but had to take a nap. Then I had to clean the mess of an apartment from the party last night. After that I watched days and studied a little. Then I decided to go to campus to turn in my forms for OMP to Dr. May. Then (I’ve used then a lot), my friend called and told me to study on campus to cheer myself up, so I went to campus, but I couldn’t really study because EVERY PERSON in my ethics class found it important to come and talk to me about our exam tomorrow. Uh huh. Then it was time for dinner. That was fun; now I’m here at Panera sitting across from Derek :). I said your name again Derek. I haven’t done much studying though, but its good to talk to people. I watched Derek and Steve play with their magnetic nipples, and I sat on Jill’s lap :). Meredith is freaking out in front of me about the theology exam which she and I may very well fail. Hmmm….Ok, I just totally glazed over a really long and involved day, but that’s that. Gotta do some ethics now. Uhhh Jack Davis- I’d like to tell you where to go.

Over and Out-

Well nothing bad has happened today, but once again, Tuesday is proving to be hard. Pray for me…

Monday- 2 days left for Ethics, 4 for Theology

MORNING: Derek doesn’t like my bunny”ness.” I’ll take new pictures tonight at our small group party where we will have MORE than one pizza…because Jenny and I can eat one and then plot how to steal pieces from other people’s pizzas :). I didn’t run this morning. I opted for 30 minutes more sleep. I’ve been studying ethics, and now I’m gonna get dressed and head up to campus. Ahhh so much to do. I’ll update more about my day later. For now here is a thought: If they aren’t even here, don’t waste time thinking about them! OBVIOUSLY- pursue love, the fruits of the Spirit. Pursue Jesus. Have a great day my friends- ttyl-  mlea

AFTERNOON UPDATE: Hello everyone. Mer is on her way over to study theology with me. I went to campus, but I couldn’t study there. The library was lonely and scary, but the Great room was loud and someone was playing Beethoven really poorly. So I tried the caf, but ended up sitting with people and talking. SOOOOOO I finally came home to study. Then I watched Days and did some exercising. Now to study theology. Party harty here tonight. I’m so jealous of people who are all ready finished with their finals. Uhh so annoying. The sample exam for Theology seems pretty easy, so maybe Dr. Well’s isn’t as scary as I’ve heard. Ethics, well I just don’t even know. Davis sucks, and I hate the class. I’m gonna get a B I’m sure and I don’t really care at all. There goes the 4.0…all because of one jerky man.  So little time here, which is good, but scary considering what all I need to learn in that time. P.S. it’s not fun to get drunk dialed by people you know from seminary. Uh, some people are just really disrespectful. I don’t need that. No one needs that, and no one deserves that. It was pretty bad. Thanks to Steve for helping me put it in perspective, and thanks to Titus for making me laugh about it, and thanks to God for giving me wise friends and strength to not freak out anymore than I do. Off to be a slave to the theology of atonement theories, the church, eschatology, and the framework for Christology. Jealous? I know you are- “m” over and out

EVENING: I can’t even say how amazing it was to hang out with my small group girls all together one last time. Pictures will be up on facebook soon. Insanity ensued. I love those girls. Jenn and Mer, I can’t believe you are leaving. Jill, thanks for being my partner in crime…altho my lesser partner. Dannae, haha looks like you are back to the roll you played last semester at this time. We’ll make it a regular thing I suppose. I can’t believe how much studying I have left. OMG- terrible. I’m pretty tired now. Talk to you later alligators.

Tonight I deleted a lot of pictures off my digital camera. It was a big step. I was proud of myself, and it was nice to have four girls by my side saying “do you want me to just do it? I’ll do it. Give me that camera!” haha

Goodnight- mlea

THIRD ENTRY OF THE DAY! Wow- that’s impressive.

I’m headed to bed right now. I just watched an all new and amazing Law and Order CI. Dannae went to Catacombs, but I don’t do singing this late at night.

Today was good. Church was great, and I decided I am going to work at the Boston Rescue Mission in the latter part of May and early June. I’m stoked about that, but that means a lot of driving to and from Boston for Meginlea this summer. I leave for HK at the end of June but go on a cruise with the fam a week before that. I’m super stoked though.

Tonight I got drunk dialed by someone and it was not great, but I praise God that I made it through :). It actually was used to good, showing me this person can be a real … well … word that Steve said in the middle of Panera right in front of Dr. Gibson. :). I’m feeling much more perspective though, and I’m grateful for people who will speak truth to me. Sometimes God really does speak to us through the body of Christ, especially when our own emotions are too bias. We won’t listen to honesty because we can become so jaded. There is something amazing for me, something that will blow my mind, and THIS is not it. I rest assured, and it’s comforting. God can change me; God is changing me. God is healing me. God simply is.

I studied a good bit today, but I’m getting up bright and early to study tomorrow. I need to check out the sample exam in the library, talk to Dr. May, and then study ethics, then meet Mer and D to study theology, and then party hardy with my small group girls for our last small group EVER….seriously- J and M are bailing on us, whores.

I had a good time reminising with Titus tonight about butt sweat in Hong Kong. I can’t wait to share that story with a new team this year. Here is how it goes in case you never have heard the story:

Megin: Gah- it’s so hot out here!
Fabie: I know I’m sweating everywhere!
Megin: I think my butt is even sweating! You can probably see it! 🙂
Titus: No, it’s ok. You can’t see it.
—-pause for the cause/ everyone turns and looks at Titus—-
Titus: Not that I was looking!
—-I glare—-

haha good times on the other side of the globe. What will China be like with out my kindred shopper spirit? I guess this summer shall tell-

Ok, time for reading the Augusta comics sent to me credits of Daddy and then heading for bed. Should I attempt to study these theology books that I read but don’t remember at all??? I mean, they are more than likely going to be incorporated into the essay exam, but I mean….it’s like 1000 pages I would need to sort through. Oh man- this week needs to pass!
