This update is solely for your enjoyment. I read this thing in a magazine the other day that said a good way to keep a toned stomach and hips for summer was to use a hula-hoop. It sounded fun. They said it also burned a lot of calories. Plus, if you buy a weighted hula-hoop it’s even better.

Today when at CVS, I saw the cutest pink sparkly hula-hoop for summer. I bought it. I came home. I got all stoked and tried it.

I just learned that I suck at hula-hooping…although I can do some neat tricks with it with my feet, but I’m pretty sure that won’t tone my stomach or hips. Although, if you see me on the beach, do look at my feet. They will be in great shape thanks to my new pink friend!

BYE! :)!!!!!

About meginlea

Artist, writer, blogger, singer-songwriter, minister, mother.... DAUGHTER of GOD, wandering to and fro this wondrous world.

One response to “

  1. Grad School how?  And how can’t you hola hoop?  What the heck? 

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