
Recently I’ve been discovering just how much our sin affects other people. Wow. We can be so careless. I must admit, I’ve only realized this because of how deeply I’ve been sinned against, but it has definitely helped me discover the many ways I have sinned against others and what it has done, could have done, perhaps has done to them. I also see the way we treat the Lord… how we completely do not consider Him, and how we reject Him. Wow. As men and women of Christ, we have a responsibility to love each other and to put each other before ourselves. How much hurt and sin could be avoided if we could really do this? A lot I believe. And you know whats even harder, loving the person and putting them first when they are the one sinning against you and hurting you and not repenting. Now that my friend is a challenge. But we must let that challenge identify us more with Christ. Did He not love us and give His very life for us WHILE WE WERE SINNERS and despite of our sin? Yes, he did.

So pray for my heart as I try not to be angry and try not to take revenge or desire revenge upon those who have sinned against me intentionally or unintentionally. And pray for me as I seek restitution and reconciliation to those that I have hurt so deeply. And may we all praise the Lord for loving us and let His love be what drives us to become more like Him and display His love to others.

Life is hard…thats why to live is Christ, and for the Believer, to die is gain. The one hope that I do have is that our God is a God of redemption, and although I do not always feel His redemption or see how He is redeeming things, He has told us that He works out all the sin and all the hurt for His good- He redeems it all. So God, be near to me as I ask you to search me and reveal to me the sins I have sinned against others and those they have against me. I pray that you redeem these things, specific things in my heart of which you know. The pain is deep, but you know pain as you bore it for me. The seering loss…

God, may the power of Your cross redeem our lives, not only from hell in death but from hell in life. Redeem us Lord, and glorify Yourself for Your sake and ours.

“Revive me. Revive me not for me but for Your name and Your glory, deliver me from my enemies…Revive me.” -Shane and Shane

That’s all for now.

About meginlea

Artist, writer, blogger, singer-songwriter, minister, mother.... DAUGHTER of GOD, wandering to and fro this wondrous world.

One response to “Sin

  1. i was reading last night….the closer you get to god…the more you become aware of your sin.  the closer you get to god, the more you see of his perfection…and how much you pale.  anwyays, i hope life is going well in boston and youre healthy! 

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