My God My God, let me not be disgraced but for Your Name

“In quietness and confidence is your strength.” This is a verse from Isaiah 30. The Lord is beckoning the people to turn to Him and asking them to trust Him. He is expressing His desire to be compassionate toward them but asking them to give up their idols and their own agendas. I have been contemplating this entire passage since January. At first, it really convicted me of my attitude and of the way I try to get things accomplished myself. I seek the Lord for His will and His help to do what “I” want to do. I was convicted to quit “acting” so much and start waiting upon the Lord. My strength comes in my quietness before Him and His will for His glory.


I am now experiencing the Holy Spirit’s revealing of more of what this little verse is exhorting. My mind is NOT quiet before God. Even if I am “quiet” on the outside, my mind must also come under submission of Him. This means not obsessing or dwelling on speculations of what will be and when it will be and how it will be and what the best thing to do is in following Him to make it be. Quietness means letting our requests be made known to God, our anxieties and our praises, and then quieting our minds. That is where rest comes, in letting go in our minds and letting the Spirit of God bring the peace that passes all understanding.

Now, I have seen in my own life, that this peace of God’s spirit and the quietness of the mind cannot come until I surrender tangible actions; nonetheless, it is what is on the inside that counts.

Right now I am in perplexing situations all around, and I can’t tell you what my life will look like at all even 2 months from now. I have no clue. People would exhort me to be doing all sorts of things right now and not doing all sorts of things, and they are all correct. Each suggestion would be wise…nonetheless, I am only peaceful right now sitting at the throne of my Savior, seeking Him in prayer, and saying “God, illuminate what YOU suggest, what YOU desire for YOUR sake.” I really understand Peter’s words about Jesus being the only one with the words of life…but I don’t sit before Him right now because I want His words even. I sit before Him because I just want Him. I just sit quietly-

Come Lord Jesus, Come.

About meginlea

Artist, writer, blogger, singer-songwriter, minister, mother.... DAUGHTER of GOD, wandering to and fro this wondrous world.

3 responses to “My God My God, let me not be disgraced but for Your Name

  1. Amem!What a blessing it is just to read your thoughts and the things the Lord has been whispering in your heart. It came in such a needy time for me. I find myself always trying to do things MY way and there are so many things in my mind right now that sometimes it’s just very hard to sit quietly.And this just makes my heart even more not at easy.My mind is just so NOT quiet before God. How many times we make ourselves, our agendas and desires our very own idols.Oh, Lord forgives us! Forgive me.I need to remind myself everyday that He is not only my Saviour, but He is the LORD of my life. I need to sit quietly before Him. ” Be still and know that I am the Lord.”Come Lord Jesus, Come.May God Bless and keep you. Have a blessed week!

  2. 🙂 thanks for you comment! actually, your comment caught me at a time tonight just before bed that I was worn and weary and worried again. It seems we are always weary travelers, but I am greatful that the Lord used even your response to my post to remind me to “be still…” Life is so confusing. People are so confusing. Our own emotions and thoughts are so confusing. We can trust none of them with our life really. I’m going to meditate some tonight upon that- “be still and know that I am God.” Thanks so much for encouraging me.

  3. I was thinking about that same sort of thing last night and this morning.  I don’t have any really big worries right now, but, this morning especially, God has been showing me that even the little things, I need to relinquish up to him.  It’s so hard to be still sometimes and just trust God, but he wants us to trust him with all of our lives, not just the big things.  Thanks for your posts.  They really are a blessing, and I’ll be praying for you. – Melissa

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